Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quit Talking To Me Like I'm Stupid

Im not Stupid by DJOAKDALEDEE SC1
One of the hardest thing for a child of GOD to deal with today is the conformity in this world. The problems of this world are enough to make a grown man cry, but the conformity of the people in it make it even worse/harder for the younger people, because if the generation before you has accepted some bullshit, it then becomes your inherit nature to accept it also. And when I look around my country, I dont really see a country that started out on an evil note (though the native Africans and the native Americans may disagree) but I do see a country that has become evil through allowing the corrupt to perform its corruption. And the sad thing is that so many people are blind to the truth and that things have been corrupt for so long(ummm.. since the beginning?) , there is hardly any body to ask or any reference on how to do things correctly. Our biggest flaw now is trust...we here in America trust our government for some reason. If you really think about it, democracy is actually founded on the priciples that government cant be trusted and power corrupts, so its always important to keep power in the hands of the people and the people involved. So your whole government system is based of these principles. And these are principles that people understand, but today they dont really know how to make these priciples practical. Most people I run into believe being politically minded means being aware of whats going on politically. Hence you have people who watch the news who consider themselves involved...but let me ask you something...with all the knowledge the media feeds you about the government, what can you actually do with it or about it? If there is something (some issue) you, and a major group of people with you support or diagree with...what can you do about this issue and this view you have? Now I'm not gonna fake like I have or know the answer...but I do know your not really involved in politics until you do know the answer. Unless there is an action, you are fully educated on that action, and you have the ability to take that action...not until then are you truly politically involved with whats going on in the country. Even if you vote! Our country and the media sources like to repoint you and redirect you to the fact that you have the right to vote..which is great, but as you can see, our right to vote hasnt changed the real problems here in America. It changes whos gonna tackle these problems, but it doesnt change the problems. Half the people are not fully educated on over half the stuff congress votes on, and honestly Im not sure if anything they do affects my daily life. What is a person who can vote on something if they dont know whats being voted on? A pawn or sheep or something of that nature, or in other words, since my vocabulary isnt all that good someone who is stupid. But I tell you what...people are going to quit talking to me like I'm stupid.

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